Friday, 18 February 2011

I don't know...

... how to play backgammon, how to drive, how 'planes fly, my seven times table past 27, how long until an egg is hard boiled, more than ten words in any language other than English, the difference between a womb and a uterus if there is one, my own favourite colour, whether I like poetry or pretend to, if it should look like that, how the internet works, why I should have to change my jeans more frequently than once a week, where the stop cock is, how much money is in my bank account, whether I should be using commas or semi-colons, what taking cocaine feels like, the offside rule, how to spell nesessary, how to change a plug, more than one way to tie a tie, my home phone number, or my blood type.

But I do know...

... that an Amiga Lemming is 9 pixels high, how many bullets will kill a Cacodemon, how many Pokemon there are, that Mario used to be a carpenter, that E.T. sold more than Space Invaders on the 2600, how much room (to the nearest MB) is spare on my PS3, all the words to I've Been Everywhere by Johnny Cash, all the words to every episode of Spaced, Blackadder, Bottom, The Young Ones, and Red Dwarf, that The DaVinci Code features in my top 5 book list, and that Bob Holness played Bond on the Radio.

Is 'knowledge' the same as 'intelligence', I wonder?


  1. Really enjoyed this post K,

    Really honest post, i think the difference is knowledge of subjects and specialisms, you think the most advance brain surgeons know everything about everything? But you would think of them as supremely intelligent!

    It's all how you perceive it, knowing your knowledge is intelligent!

    Cheers man


  2. glad you enjoyed and related. cheers.
