"This would be a good death... But not good enough."

"This should be agony. I should be a mass of aching muscle--broken, spent, unable to move. And, were I an older man, I surely would... But I'm a man of thirty--of twenty again. The rain on my chest is a baptism. I'm born again."

"It was tough work, carrying two hundred and twenty pounds of sociopath to the top of Gotham Towers--the highest spot in the city. The scream alone is worth it."

"I'll count the dead, one by one. I'll ad them to the list, Joker. The list of all the people I've murdered by letting you live."

"No, Joker. You're playing the wrong game. The old game. Tonight you're taking no hostages. Tonight I'm taking no prisoners."

"The Dump. It's a breeding ground for rodents. Some rodents fly."

"I want you to remember my hand at your throat. I want you to remember the one man who beat you."

"This will be a good life. Good enough."

"We could have changed the world. Now... look at us... I've become a political liability and you... You're a joke."

"Bruce, this is idiotic. You're just meat and bone--like all the rest."

"I believe in what needs to be done."

"I made a promise on the grave of my slain parents. I would not rest until Gotham City was washed clean of the evil that took their lives."

"He ran like a rat into Gotham's sewers trying to hide from one demon only to find another."

"Sometimes it's only madness that makes us what we are."

"And when you're sitting here alone in the middle of the night, unsleeping in the dark, remember -- every breath you take you owe to me."

"Did I finally reach the limits of reason? And find the Devil waiting? And was that fear in his eye?"

"You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

"And as the sun, that had been too afraid to show its face in this city, started to turn the black into grey, I smiled. Not out of happiness. But because I knew... that one day, I wouldn't have to do this anymore. One day, I could stop fighting. Because one day... I would win. One day, there will be no pain, no loss, no crime. Because of me, because I fight. For you. One day, I will win."
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